Kanika Rajain
Oraingo lanpostua/Puesto actual
Junior Researcher

Formakuntza eta ibilbidea/Formación y trayectoria
PhD Student
Ikerketan aritzeko motibazioa/Mi motivación para dedicarme a la investigación
To find a unified method that will focus on design and manufacturing of free-form surfaces and industrial datasets.
Ikerketa-taldea eta garatzen ditudan ikerketa-ildoak /Grupo y líneas de investigación que desarrollo
CNC (computer numerically controlled) Machining.
Nire ikerketa-ibilbidean aipatzen dut…/En mi trayectoria investigadora destaco…
In building strong interdisciplinary research skills and optimize it to industrial needs.
Europako proiektuak/Proyectos europeos
working as a PhD Student in a European funded Project (ADAM^2), here is the link: https://www.adam2.eu
Etorkizunari begira/Mirando al futuro
To make Mathematics interesting and easy to understand for upcoming generation (using visuals).