Belén González Gaya
Puesto de trabajo
Investigadora postdoctoral en el IBeA, Departamento de Química Analítica en la Estación Marina de Plentzia. / Postdoctoral researcher at IBeA, the Analytical Chemistry Department at the Marine Station of Plentzia

Formakuntza eta ibilbidea
Formación y trayectoria
I started my high education in science with a MSC in Environmental Science in the Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain) and a MSC in Aquatic Ecology and Water Quality in Wageningen University (The Netherlands). I developed my PhD thesis “Occurrence, transport and fate of Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Global Ocean” inside the Malaspina 2010 project at the Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEACSIC, Barcelona, Spain) to become Doctor in Marine Sciences by the University of Barcelona in October 2015. During 2016, I enjoyed one year of postdoctoral experience on the Institute of Organic Chemistry (IQOG, Madrid, Spain) on the Environmental Vigilance Plan for the application of the Stockholm Convention in Spain, regarding persistent organic pollutants monitoring in air and water. A second postdoctoral position was settled at the IMDEA Water Research Center, within the European Project H2020TAPAS, on the effects of organic and inorganic pollutants from fisheries on coastal areas of the Mediterranean Sea. After it, I enjoyed a Juan de la Cierva Formación postdoctoral fellowship at the Marine Station of Plentzia (Basque Country University, EHU/UPV), working at the Analytical Chemistry department. Since July 2020, I just keep developing my research in the same institution thanks to an EHU/UPV postdoctoral position two more years. My research interests focus on environmental chemical sciences, including chemistry of the air, water, ocean, soil, sedimentand biota. My expertise includes environmental fate and effects of anthropogenic contaminants, as well as ecotoxicology, bioaccumulation, biotransformation and cycling processes.
Bokazioa / motibazioa
Vocación / motivación
Environment, science and outreaching activities are my priorities.
In my experience I have created a strong relation with the aquatic environment both for leisure and sport activities as well as in my academic trajectory, which makes the marine world the most appealing topic in my working career. Its protection and study from a scientific perspective are my working goals nowadays.
Ikerketa-taldea eta ikerketa-lerroak
Grupo de investigación y líneas de investigación
En mi grupo de trabajo del IBeA, Departamento de Química analítica de la Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología, centramos nuestra actividad en el desarrollo de metodos analíticos, monitoreo y estudio de compuestos endógenos, metabolitos y productos químicos que se relacionan con los efectos de la contaminación en los seres vivos y su presencia en los ecosistemas naturales y humanizados. Con ello nos proponemos buscar soluciones y profundizar en el conocimiento del estado del medio ambiente respecto a los contaminantes químicos que lo ponen en peligro. //
Within my working team at IBeA, the Analytical Chemistry Department from the Science and Technology Faculty, we center our research in analytical methods development, environmental monitoring and in the study of endogenous compounds, metabolites and chemical products related with the effects of pollution in living organisms and their occurrence in natural and human ecosystems. With it we aim to find solutions and deepen in the knowledge of the environmental status regarding the chemical pollutants that pose a risk in our planet.
Alderdi aipagarriak
Aspectos destacables
Tras realizar mi tesis doctoral basada en los datos de contaminantes recogidos dando la vuelta al mundo en un barco que cruzó los océanos Atlántico, Indico y Pacífico, y ver los efectos que algunos compuestos químicos tienen en zonas remotas, he intentado mantener siempre una visión multidisciplinar. Para ello, he seguido trabajando como ambientóloga entre biólogos y químicos, abordando los problemas de contaminación que afectan al mar desde una depuradora, pasando por la acuicultura sin olvidar el estudio de efectos en organismos mediante la aplicación de bioensayos in vitro e in vivo, en todo tipo de ecosistemas acuáticos.
After my PhD thesis development, based on the data gathered on a research vessel around the world crossing the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans, and observe the effects that some chemicals pose in remote areas, I have tried to keep always a multidisciplinary vision. For that, I maintained my research and an environmental scientist among biologists and chemists,dealing pollution issues that affect the oceans, from waste water treatment plants to aquiculture, also incorporating the study of the effects by means of in vitro and in vivo bioassays, in all types of aquatic ecosystems.
Europako proiektuak
Proyectos europeos
Hasta hace unos meses, cuando finalizó el proyecto, participé en el proyecto H2020 TAPAS (Tools for Assessment and Planning of Aquaculture Sustainability, ) en el que analizamos diferentes casos de prácticas de acuicultura en Europa, para ver los posibles impactos que tienen en el ecosistema marino y poder resolverlos o minimizarlos. Actualmente, aunque no es un proyecto financiado por la UE, si se trata de una financiación internacional de National Geographic, participo en el Proyecto de Silent Amazon ( en el que se analizan la presencia y riesgo que suponen los contaminantes antropogénicos en el Río Amazonas.
Lately, until its recent end, I joined the European H2020 project TAPAS (Tools for Assessment and Planning of Aquaculture Sustainability, ) in which they were analyzed study cases of aquaculture practices in Europe, in order to observe, resolve or minimize the impacts of this activity into marine ecosystems. At the moment, I am involved in another International Project funded by National Geographic, Silent Amazon (, which aims to analyze the presence and risks the organic pollutants pose in the Amazon River.
Etorkizunari begira…
Mirando al futuro…
Espero en un futuro no muy lejano conseguir ir a la Antártida. Es un continente que por sus características de aislamiento y ecosistemas prístinos suponen un mundo a descubrir en el campo de la contaminación… ¡además de ser imponente por sus paisajes!
Reconocimiento, el que pueda recibir después de cada clase, cada práctica, cada tesis de fin de grado o master, cada actividad divulgativa, de cada una de las personas implicadas que hayan podido descubrir las pequeñas gotitas que conocemos del inmenso océano inexplorado que nos rodea.
I hope that in a close future I can reach to do research in the Antarctic. It is a continent extremely interesting regarding chemical pollution presence due to its isolations and pristine ecosystems… and also because its landscapes must be impressive!
I would like to be recognized after every teached class, every practical course, every bachelor or master thesis supervised, every outreach activity, just by knowing that every person involved has discovered at least a little drop of knowledge from the huge unexplored ocean that surround us.